Abyssal mermaids

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In the deepest, most isolated regions of the seas and oceans of Felarya roam the abyssal mermaid, also known as Deep Merfolk. Unlike their vibrant, colorful cousin, these gaunt merfolk sport a dark and dreary complexion, and boast semitransparent fins to help them blend in the sunless depths. Bioluminescent spots mottle the skin along their upper bodies and long tail, and their eyes are extremely sensitive to light. Even the tiniest glimmer is enough to allow them to see with near-perfect visibility in the pitch black darkness of the deep sea.Their fingers end in hooked talons and their mouths are full of fang-like teeth angled inward. Though they may appear weak of body, they are fully adapted for survival in the crushing pressure of the deepest sea trenches, and possess far more strength and endurance than what their feeble appearance would otherwise suggest.

Very little is known about abyssal mermaids, as no living creature from the surface has ever come close to reaching their dwelling in the lowest depths of Felaryan ocean. The few brave souls to return alive from exploring the trenches speak of degenerate and mutated merfolk stalking the pitch-black waters, savage and hideous to behold. Although their unsettling appearance has led to being whispered as sinister monsters of the deep among sea-dwellers, abyssal mermaids are in fact simple folk with little interest with life outside of the trenches, much less the world above the waves. Less sociable than their cousins, they enjoy a largely solitary existence, with tribes rarely numbering over a dozen individuals. Interestingly, they are one of few species of mermaids who do not sing. Instead, they communicate via the glowing spots on their bodies, flashing sequences of short and long flashes akin to Morse code.

Abyssal mermaids are ambush predators — they hide within the deep crevices and cold sand of the ocean floor, and lure food with their bioluminescence. They are highly opportunistic, as the very food-limited environment of the deep sea means they must eat anything they can get their hands on to survive. In particular, if they do not get enough food, they will even start preying on each other. Since their bones are thin and flexible, abyssal mermaids can open up their mouths several times their normal resting size, allowing them to swallow prey almost as big as the mermaid herself. When hunting large creatures, their sharp claws ensures they can maintain secure and steady grip on their catch, and their inwardly inclined teeth, which can be depressed to facilitate the swallowing of massive prey, makes escaping from their mouths all but impossible. Not only can their stomachs distend to enormous size, it is also incredibly strong and resistant to damage. Once prey has found its way inside, there is only one thing that can happen. Abyssal mermaids are relentless hunters; should a prey manage to avoid the initial ambush, they will give chase without a second thought and will not stop pursuing their quarry until it is in their belly. The only times they will give up a chase is if they happen to come across a more filling meal or their prey manages to escape to the light-filled waters above.

Merfolks of the surface whisper among themselves that, on particular moonless nights, when the sky is bereft of stars and the entire sea cast in shadows, abyssal mermaids rise from their den on the ocean floor to the surface. Fueled by a supernatural and irresistible hunger, they prowl the pitch-black waters in search for food, feasting on anything and everything they can get their wicked claws upon. By daybreak, they retreat back to their sunless realm in the trenches, their stomachs full and close to bursting, whereupon the unfortunate souls who were unable escape their clutches are slowly digested over the course of several days.

  • Credits goes to Shady Knight for the Abyssal mermaids idea.