The Felayan fauna is composed of many species from many worlds which makes it very varied and unpredictable. See also carnivorous plants and plant life. These pages feature mostly dangerous or remarkable creatures. There is many many others, from small animals to harmless herbivores, or unreported species that aren't listed here but exist and are part of the great Felarya food chain. Because the page is reaching the maximum size, here is the first part of the fauna : Fauna, second : Fauna2, third : Fauna3, and fourth : Fauna4
Note about the threat ranking:
It's based on the threat that the creature represents for a normal human. It's not necessarily linked to the strength of the creature. For example the dryad Cypress would rank very low because she is very friendly to humans, yet she is a powerful being.
- Minimal: A totally harmless being such as a mouse or a rabbit.
- Very Low: Mostly herbivores but who can still strike back if attacked.
- Low: Various animals such as felines.
- Moderate: A moderately dangerous Felaryan creature can still be very dangerous in another world. For example a great white shark would rank between Low and Moderate here...
- Medium: A predatory, dangerous and often man-eating creature.
- High: A great predator. Crisis is in this category.
- Very High: A top predator. This creature could take on a small army.
- Critical: In Felaryan scales, very few creatures reach this rank.
- Extreme: A guardian or a mythical creature. Only a god can hope to survive a confrontation with one of these.
Dungeon terrain fauna
In Mysterious temple
Size: 15 feet
Threat: Moderate
These strange creatures are shrouded by a cloud of perpetual darkness that moves with them. They live mostly on the ceilings of ancient ruins and caves where they wander in search for prey. They hunt by enveloping their prey in a cocoon of magical darkness, then swallowing their disoriented victim. Only upon the shryne's death does its cloud vanish and reveal its true form: a sort of abyssal fish with reptilian features.
Size: 30 feet
Threat: Medium
A large and brightly colored lizard that can be found mostly in mineral rich environments such as caves, volcanos, or certain dungeons. Salamanders possess an incredible mastery of fire. Not only can they shoot flames from their mouth like a dragon, but they can become fire themselves in an instant, be it for hiding, dodging an attack, or surrounding a prey. Salamanders are an significant danger if you come ill-prepared, as they are sneaky and rarely visible before an attack. For instance, in the Mysterious temple, they love to hide and rest in the many torches that light the halls. When a party of adventurers pass them, they silently come out and spread their form behind them, then attack.
Size: Varies
Threat: Low to Medium
A type of ghost with bestial and primitive instincts, Labrisomes are extremely aggressive spirits, mindlessly and relentlessly feeding on the living. Smaller labrisomes eat rats and other small animals, while larger specimens can effortlessly engulf a human. They are invisible most of the time, appearing out of nowhere to swallow their prey. Once they have prey in their stomach they can't become invisible again until the prey is digested or otherwise leaves the labrisomes stomach. Even after eating they are still immaterial and can fly, but what they look like can be seen by all, and they are ugly with a capital U: the spiritual body of a labrisome is a nightmarish mix between a toad, a squid and a centipede with enormous feline claws.
Size: 3 feet
Threat: Very Low alone - Moderate in groups
A small rat-like humanoid. They live in large groups and are mostly found in enclosed spaces like caverns. They are fast, agile and have no problems running on the walls or even the ceiling. Ibiantes are not aggressive at all, however they have brought doom to countless groups of adventurers. This is because ibiantes, as soon as they feel the least bit threatened, emit an aura of "unease". Nearby creatures will suddenly feel uneasy and apprehensive about something. When they are in groups the cumulative effect of the many "uneasy" auras is an aura of absolute terror. It takes a lot of training and strength of will to be able to resist it. Aside from their aura, ibiantes are harmless and obviously on the bottom of the food chain.
Frenzied Ibiante
Size: 3 feet
Threat: Low alone - High in groups
The same species as regular ibiantes, frenzied ones can be recognized by their glowing eyes and much more menacing look. Typically found in the lower levels of the mysterious temple, they have the same power as their normal cousins, but unlike them, they are chaotic and very aggressive, carrying crude weapons such as daggers. Group of them can be incredibly dangerous, decimating a strong adventurer party in mere seconds. Fortunately, for some reason they don't like water.
Swallower Wall
Size: Varies a lot
Threat: Moderate to Medium
A strange creature resembling a sort of amoeba. At first, they choose a wall where they will live, merging into it by dissolving a portion of it. Having "planted" themselves in their location of choice, they never move again. They camouflage themselves by making their skin a perfect replica of the surrounding walls, and the only things that will give it away to the unaided eye (and ear) are the noises of a previous victim digesting, or the fact that they copy their surroundings perfectly, so if you see two identical sections of wall you know that one of them is a swallower wall. They capture their prey by quickly extending a portion of their sticky body and getting the prey stuck on it. They then retract the sticky section with attached prey into themselves and deposit the prey into a freshly created pocket for a slow digestion.
This creature comes in various sizes, and the largest specimens, the ones who have eaten many prey, can become so large that they are "swallower halls" rather than "swallower walls".
Size: 25 feet
Threat: Medium
Howlers originally came from the same world as the ibiantes did, they are their natural predator. They are basically a large mouth mounted on powerful running legs. Similarly to the ibiantes, howlers create a sound that strikes anyone who hears it with an incredible fear, often causing them to lock up in fear or blindly flee. The howler has then just to chase after its helpless prey, outrunning or cornering it, then gobbling it up with its enormous mouth.
Negative Hydra
Size: 160 feet
Threat: Very High
Negative hydras are legendary creatures dwelling deep in the deepest and most forgotten layers of the negative plane. These dreadful creatures project avatars of themselves to various points in the universe, appearing as huge shadowy draconic silhouettes endowed with multiple long necks and heads. The real creature never leaves the negative plane however, which means that a negative hydra on Felarya cannot be killed by any means because it's simply not here in the first place. The only way to get rid of it would be to temporarily shut down the link between the avatar and the creature, but that requires very powerful dimensional magic. Mages able to perform magic at this level are rare, and generally unwilling to take such risks without a very good reason.
The hydra's avatar is still incredibly dangerous: the multiple heads can strike at lightning speeds, and each of the heads can launch a barrage of strange and deadly negative spells. Even if you manage to survive an encounter with the avatar, chances are high that you will be permanently maimed by one of the powerful curses the beast can cast as well. Even the most reckless adventurers know better than to challenge these formidable creatures, no matter what fantastic treasure lies beyond.
Fortunately, negative hydras are very rare. Only two specimens are known to exist in Felarya, and both of them are in the Tomb of Alcazath. Nobody knows what exactly happens to those who are swallowed by the avatar of a negative hydra but what is known for sure is that these people are never seen again.
Nether Wisp
Size: 10 inches
Threat: Very Low
These ghostly twirling balls of dull light are said to be the restless souls of fallen adventurers. They are actually projections from the negative plane, and thus don't really exist in Felarya. Nether wisps may be small, but they are not harmless. They harass adventurers by burning their mana, dispelling their magic, and launching small magic projectiles at them, making them extremely annoying. Moreover, they serve as spies for the deadly negative hydras, and assist them in battle.
In Venmys-Pieaug Library
Book Wyrm
Size: varies
Threath: Medium
Massive serpents with the ability to alter their size in order to burrow their way into books, their dwelling of choice. Book Wyrms typically eat the inside of a tome over the course of several decades sustaining itself off of the contents of the pulp and ink in the paper. They only return to their full size when said book is opened, at which point they quickly enlarge, devour the shocked would-be-reader whole and quickly return from whence they came.
Buvikis Veridimis
Threath: Under Construction
- Credits to Silent eric for the Book wyrm, and to Oldman40k2003 for his great help at editing ^_^