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A large tribe of human-sized elves living in the Lake of souls. Kadyns were originally from the north of the continent, but they moved south over the course of history to finally establish themselves in the Oloonde region. They usually have pale blond or white hair, pale eyes and a slighlty tanned skin. A highly spiritual people, they worship the usual elven Pantheon plus several divinities of their own, including Sedrin, a powerful Kachydon and god of the lake. He is not so much a protector than a source of wisdom to them however, and Kadyns relies more on their impregnable location as well as their excellent art of divination to ward of predators and other dangers. They became excellent rilmanidons riders as well, patrolling the waters with remarkable efficiency and keeping tabs on anything happening in their domain. Much like Majuras, Kadyns are a contemplative and serene people, practicing long daily meditations and mental exercises in order to refresh their body and mind. For some reasons, Kadyns believe that every souls on Felarya eventually find their ways to Kalichidhen and from there, journey to the afterlife. Should their sanctuary be destroyed, no souls would be able to depart from Felarya anymore, leading to a terrible disaster. Most archmages in Negav dismiss this theory as ludicrous and a mere superstition though.