Felarya talk:Copyrights
Suggested changes:
"All content on this Wiki is the property of those who submitted it. If it is not, or you believe that copyrighted material not belonging to the submitter has been placed here by error, please contact us immediately."
to something like (but obviously more "tidy"
"All contributions to Felarya are considered to be released to me (Karbo) for use as I see fit, except where otherwise noted. If you don't want your writing to be edited mercilessly, then don't submit it here. Please note that this means that unless the idea is marked otherwise, you need to consult Karbo for useage restrictions.
Characters: Characters are property of, and copyrighted to, their creators; their inclusion in this wiki does not change their license. Contact their owner for more information on use.
Ideas that made it into the Felarya wiki before November 15th, 2009, but where the creator objected to the disclaimer (appears in a different color on the wiki): These ideas are property of, and copyrighted to, their creators, contact them for more information.
Ideas under the old disclaimer (and this should stay a link, probably to a page on this very wiki: [[1]]) Ideas are credited to their creator; anyone who wants to use one of these ideas in any of their works is fully expected to give some amount of credit to the creator. You are also expected to contact the creator about the idea and ask for permission.
Ideas under the new disclaimer (Creative Commons, CC-BY? [[2]]):
Blah, some text describing what can and cannot be done with CC-BY."
Ugh, that looks ugly to me; hopefully some polish will fix it up. Obviously some text in there needs to be replaced, and "you need to consult Karbo for useage restrictions" can probably be expanded to actually explain what the restrictions on use are.
--Oldman40k2003 06:51, 15 February 2011 (PST)
Karbo :
It seems quite fine to me :)
sure it looks more formal and heavy but also more official. And I beleive it covers everything.
I also plan to have the credits links to the creator's page at some point.