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Heaven is a collection of world made of positive energies, inhabited by angels
The environment of those plane is calm, sereine and beautiful
Angels psychopomps take predominantly pure souls and bring them to Heaven,
Angels therefore collect the souls of "good" people, which they find pleasant to be around. In Heaven, a person is free to pursue their interests and do whatever they enjoy; this sense of satisfaction radiates throughout the realm, and provides a form of sustenance for Angels
It's interesting to note that, while Angels love to be around good souls reasoning harmoniously with their realm, themselves are not necessarily always the embodiment of good , in the same way a Demon is not always a creature of pure evil. In fact, while they are thankfully rare, some angels are downright ruthless and unpleasant individuals.
Similarly to Hell, countless Heaven realms exist, reflecting the perfect place a soul would desire, sometimes a particular Heaven they believed in during their lives.
Gentle hills and lush green valley wide plain bathed in light . Streams of clear flowing water