Negav's Lower Tier

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The lower tier of Negav is the one closest to the walls. It thus has many buildings and constructions designed for defense. Police and military buildings are also found here. Besides this, it has the largest amount of inns and many taverns and is the part of Negav where adventurers usually meet and congregate. (There are also many shops here designed to capitalize on said adventurers). Some say that the number of adventurers here often surpasses the number of actual Negav citizens. The citizens who do live here rely on adventurers and explorers for their livelihood.

Adventurer Guild

The Guild is housed in a long, low building with a distinctive red peaked roof. Inside are shops selling equipment, a bar and meeting lounge and various offices of specialist Adventurers. The Guild was set up by a group of seasoned adventurers who were concerned with the high death rate among people outside of Negav. They created the Guild to impart the knowledge of the oldest Adventurers on Felarya. There are various ranks of these "Masters". The highest level include some adventurers that are over 100 years old! Ranking is determined by age and/or distance travelled from Negav. The Adventurers Guild is a well respected institution, known to build some of the best survival gear, often modified to be more effective in Felarya.

Felaryan tourism Guild

The Felarya tourist guild has been recently founded by a group of merchants with the desire to make Negav -and Felarya as a whole- looks more attractive to visitors in order to increase the business. They are known for putting an outrageously positive spin on things, with double-meaning words and carefully crafted innuendos. Their various guides to Felarya are distributed in other worlds, depicting an almost heavenly world of "Savage and untamed beauties". Needless to say the guild have been attacked numerous times by angry visitors discovering a rather different reality after they arrived in Felarya. However, the leader of the guild and author of the main guides, Malki Greenbeard, is a true genius when it comes to manipulating words and take extreme caution to never outright lies. His collaborators and friends say affectionately in private that he could beat a genie at their own game.

  • credits to Jaette-troll for the Adventurer Guild idea.