Negav's surrounding area
The immediate surroundings of Negav, within the The Isolon Eye range.
Chomikai commons
Danger : Low
Population : humans, nekos
All around Negav is a circular zone that is well within the The Isolon Eye range. This gentle jungle is carved by many paths and even some rare buildings. It's much safer than almost any other area in Felarya, as most giant predators simply can't enter it, but it's still a dangerous place. Indeed, many smaller predators thrive there, and despite their size, they better not be ignored. Morever, as you progress farther from the Isolon Eye, creatures you encounter are becoming increasingly bigger and more voracious. Once you arrive at the limit of the Eye's influence, there is little difference with the Felarya jungle proper, and you could very well encounter a giant naga that is just a little bit more magical resistant than usual but will happily prove to be not less voracious ! One should not worry too much about inadvertently entering the Felaryan jungle though, as there is plenty of rather scary and serious signposts marking the end of the safe zone.
However, the biggest danger of Chomikai commons comes from the numerous bandits, thugs and brigands roaming the zone.