Giant naga
Size: 80 feet from head to ground
Purple hair
Purple eyes
dark cyan-blue scales with light cyan circled markings
Bright yellow underbelly scales
Under construction
Masumi is a pretty Felaryan naga with long purple hair that reaches down to her lower back, and big expressive purple eyes. Her face is open and friendly, often wearing a big grin and a slight blush. She has long pointy fangs that still stick out when her mouth is closed.
Masumi isn’t too hard to get along with, with a playful and amiable, if a bit smartass, nature. She is also very lazy and an heavy sleeper, and has mastered sleep to almost an art, being able to wake up from deep slumber to fully awake in split seconds, to be completely aware of her environement while sleeping, or to fake sleeping to a very convincing extent.
Hunting habits
Masumi has a bigger appetite than the average naga due to her larger size, yet she is lazy and don't hunt much if she can help it. She prefers to use decoys to get her prey walking unaware in her mouth and can prove to be very creative in this matter ! However if needed, Masumi can move incredibly fast and has lightning fast reflexes that surprised countless of her preys.
- Credits goes to Macdaddyv for the design and idea