Floating field

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Danger : Special
Inhabitants : varies

Under construction

There come instances in Felarya where the tear of the dimensions can leave permanent scarring upon the land. Sometimes however, the scarring isn't always visible. As is the instance of the Floating Field, which is not so much a field of Grass as it is a field of gravitational instability. It came as a result of a brief and rather destructive warp shift in which a section of space was shifted inside the gravity zone of Felarya.

Normally this would result in a shockwave of gravity as it re-dispersed itself and moved on. However, this was not so in this instance. The rift, though not physically accessible, never fully closed - and as a result the anti-gravity remains, drifting slowly throughout the world of Felarya. Roughly a few kilometers square, anyone entering this zone becomes subject to almost no gravitational pull as the gravity of the field struggles with the gravity of Felarya. As a result, people will find movement much more difficult in this field unless they are leaping, the exception being winged creatures such as harpies, who find the field to be an ideal hunting ground. Nagas however avoid the zone like the plague, as their movement relies on gravity to connect their scales with the ground. When they enter the zone they find themselves practically immobile unless they use their hands to claw themselves along.

Fortunately, the field is constantly shifting, and no Naga could ever be trapped there for more than an hour or so.

  • Credits to Rythmear for the idea and concept.