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Many humans, from many worlds, have come to Felarya over the years. Often attracted by its treasures, wealth, and fabulous legends. Some humans come with technology, some with powerful magic, others just determination. What they all share however is ingenuity and the ability to form large effective groups.

Social creatures, humans often create city's and society's around them. Many of the ruins scattered across Felarya were once human settlements. They also are best at adversity, sometimes the more inventive or courageous types can surmount incredible odds. But they can also be individually and sometimes collectively arrogant and short sighted. Humans tend to consider themselves superior to other creatures.

Being on the smaller side they are often prey to many felaryan predators.


Delurans are not very numerous in Felarya and are mostly concentrated in their underground base, west of the giant tree.

They are a moderatly advanced and industrious people. They have come to Felarya mostly to scout, in order to determine if Felarya is worth the effort of an invasion and extensive colonization by Delurah, their homeworld.

So far the answer is clearly "no". Deluran scouts suffered many casualties and lot of them ended in the bellies of nearby nagas, especialy the dreaded Crisis. One would point that they really choose a bad spot to settle though, stuck as they are between nagas and fairies.

Besides predators, one of the Delurans's biggest problem is that, for some reasons, the steel of their weapons rust very fast on Felarya once in surface. This means they must rely more on their excellent detection devices than on sheer firepower. This makes Delurans on Felarya cautious and stealthy peoples.

they have no alliances with any other humanoid races and usually ignore them completely. In general, Deluran scouts tend to think their mission will end soon and they will be able to leave this dangerous world. Their leaders have other projects for them though...

Anna was a Deluran before being turned into a naga.



Miratans are a military society who travel to other worlds through a dimensional tunnel network. They use tanks and mecha along with a large standing army. They have no space ships yet but are working on several prototypes. They firmly believe in their superiority over other races and have no problems wiping out entire colonies in pursuit of resources and technology. Their total armed forces number in the hundreds of millions. However, they are currently suffering from a terrible famine and catastrophe on their homeworld and are raiding many worlds for food. Their plans on Felarya remain unknown for the moment but they don't seem too bellicose and keep a solid but discrete presence in their Frost peak at Frost peak. Their contacts with other humans communities of Felarya are minimal.

Important Figures of the Miratans

Cpt Falcon

Caidance Binermas

Crimson Eyes Tribe

People of the Bowl

A peaceful and long lived people, inhabitant of the Jungle Bowl. The original humans of this land were whisked to Felarya when their rolling farmlands were 'switched' with that of a large granite mountain in the Frostpeaks at the edge of the Great marshes.

They built a prosperous and sereine community there, under the protection of Cypress, a dryad who has been raised by them centuries ago. The people of the bowl make great use of the dryad's link and are all connected throught it. This makes them a very tight community. Often all the people will feel the same general background emotion; depending on how strong a link they maintain. Allowing the people of the Bowl to have shared highs and lows of emotion.

It also makes them very coordinated; an attack on one is an attack on all, which will be dealt with great determination... and good firepower as well. Indeed, despite their agrarian and naturalistic appearances (many live in the trees) the people of the Bowl are quite technologically advanced. This is in part because the world they came from was well developed already, but mostly because Jhon Gallanfreed imparted the knowledge of his own people to them when he came and chose to live in the bowl some 500 years ago. however they keep most of this technology hidden and use it rarely.

Important Figures of the Bowl

Jhon Gallenfreed

Jack Harbin


Other Known Humans



Elle ( giantess )

  • Credits goes to Randomdude for the design and idea of the Miratans.