Lake of illusions

From Felarya
Revision as of 02:45, 11 November 2007 by Karbo (Talk | contribs) (Gah sorry my fault.. the Milkadis temple was in double : I finally put it in the misty glade ^^;)

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Danger: Normal
Sub zones: underwater temple
Inhabitants: thaniathan, water sprites, water elementals, azure frogs, rainbow mantas, cecaelias, demi-chimeras

A strange, misty lake who's waters are unusually calm. The water looks like a mirror at first glance, reflecting the image of the light mist and making it very difficult to see beneath the surface. The mist is magical and attunes with any creature in the area. Once attuned with a creature it then forms an illusion of what the creature wants the most on the island that is at the center of the lake. Because of the mist it's almost impossible to see that the illusion is really an illusion, unless it tries to interact with something real. Even then the victim has to realize that there was no interaction where there should have been, which is difficult.

The lake is home to the ancient thaniathan, a fearsome beast which takes advantage of the illusions to catch it's prey. Some of the islands on the lake are inhabited by a dangerous tribe of water fairies. Most of the predators in this zone use illusions and mind-affecting spells to hunt.

Underwater Temple

Danger: Normal
Inhabitants: Under construction

temporary name

  • Credits to Tifalover88 for the base idea.