Great rocky fields

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Danger : Normal
Sub zones : Sandfall maze
Inhabitants : storm manticores, greater stormseekers, centaurs, zebra centaurs, blue sphinxes, rock harpies, humans

A huge zone in the southwest side of the map , past the lake of illusions.

These rocky plains stretch as far as the eyes can see. The grass is of an interesting tone of greenish blue, trees are huge but scarce. Frequent and very powerful storms rocks the sky. Most of the inhabitants of this place possess a natural resistance to lightnings.

Predators are much less concentrated here than in other part of Felarya, yet it's still a dangerous place as there is few ways to hide and take cover.

A lot of avian predators such as harpies, sphinxes or manticores take advantage of that to stoop and snatch adventurers away. These fields are also home of a large number of giant centaurs who can easily outrun any vehicle and can sense a prey dozens of miles away. The powerful tremor they produce when they gallop is frightening.

Despite that the great rocky fields are the safest way to join the city Kelermn to the west as the other way would be to travel right through the fairy kingdom...

Sandfall Maze

Danger : Normal to Hazardous
Inhabitants : sandfishes, glophorbias, swallower walls, scorching claws nekos, rock harpies, sandfall lurkers, earth mouths, tunneler worms, sand elementals, earth elementals

This place is situated in the western part of the rocky fields and sprawl on a huge area made of sandstone. Sandfall maze is divided in two parts :

  • the surface, a long succession of cliffs, canyons and ravins. It forms a dangerous, crumbly labyrinth, filled with natural traps and inhabited by a huge colony of rock harpies. A ferocious neko tribe lives here as well.
  • The underground, accessible mostly through quicksands with a sand-diving equipment. This part is truly immense and extend much further than the canyon. It's a lot more dangerous as well. The most obvious danger is that the walls and ceiling are made of sandstone and can collapse at any time. Also the sand has flooded entire part of the underground network meaning you can easily lost yourself in it, even with a sand-diving equipment.

Strange and dangerous creatures roam these silent halls or swim in the sand. The deepest layers are notably home to various elementals.

TEST don't mind it

Felarya is a immense world so this map covers only a tiny portion of one of its region. Some elements may not be perfectly accurate : Felarya is a perilous place and cartographying it is probably one of the most dangerous job in the universe

a great number of explorers have meet a tragic fate while attempting it. Have a minute of silence in their honor...

Felarya is covered by 55% of jungle and forest, 40% of sea and 5% of other types of land.

The world is situated just at a crossroad between dimensions which make it dimensionally unstable. Lot of strange things happens there.

For one, random worlds very often connect themselves to Felarya for no apparent reasons.

For example, let's imagine you see a desert in the middle of the Felaryan jungle... You step on it and as you do, you change world without even noticing. If you step back, you return instantly to Felarya which make the thing even more difficult to detect. Most people would just believe the desert is a part of Felarya that wasn't here yesterday for whatever reasons. However when you come back one day later, there is nothing any more but jungle : the world has "unconnected" itself and has returned to its previous state. Chance are high its inhabitants didn't even noticed the process unless they saw this strange jungle that wasn't there yesterday..

The connection time is very random but rarely exceed a few hours. However there are also some place in Felarya that are originally not from this world. They have been "absorbed" during their connections and never returned afterward. Still these places can return to their original state at any moment, much like a volcano could awaken, and so vanish suddenly.

Felarya is widely known across dimensions for this strange particularity. But also for its legendary treasures, its dangers, and above all : its ground.

The ground of Felarya cure all known diseases by simple contact. It revitalize living beings and make them grow, though the amount depends of the specie, and grant a sort of immortality. In short you won't age, your body won't register any damage caused by time and you won't die from illness as long as you are on Felarya.

This is why countless adventurers and explorers from many worlds keep coming and why many have attempted to conquer and colonize Felarya. they all failed though because of its extremely dangerous environment :

There is all sort of giant and voracious hybrids creatures such as : harpies, nagas, dridders, centaures, dryads, fairies, mermaids...

Animals that are almost all dangerous in their own ways : Carnivorous apes, steel hornets, flying squid, dimensional trapers, dragons, Kensha beasts, stormseekers, vortex tiger, knifecrows ...

And even vegetation, from poisonous creepers to an amazing variety of carnivorous plants... Almost all Felarya forms of life seem carnivorous .

Then there is the guardians of Felarya. They are several creatures with god-like powers capable of wiping entire armies in one instant. They are the main reason why Felarya hasn't been conquered yet

Very little is known about them, including their numbers but among them there is :

Mercreti - human : a normal looking young girl whose magic can obliterate entire worlds. She can change her aspect at will and is believed to have often walked anonymously in some of the human cities on Felarya.

Trejal - naga : a very old giant naga. He barely find the need to move any more, using mostly his spirit to travel, talk and even feed.

Nemyra - fairy : the queen of all Felaryan fairies. She hear all, know all. Like all Felaryan fairies, she can change her size at will, but her own range goes from bug size to ten time Crisis's size...

Quaz - scorpion : The king of all insects on Felarya. He is wild and very aggressive. His size of 20 feet long may not seem so impressive but his shell is harder than diamond and he can gather in one instant every species of Felaryan insects which are ALL deadly..

Notys - dimensional chimera : Very little is known about her. Only one thing is sure : Every time she appear, very strange things happens in her wake...

An assault launched by some advanced races who would decide to nuke Felarya from space wouldn't work either. Felarya has actually no "space". The world is contained into a "self-plane". If you fired a rocket from Felarya ground to space, the rocket would exit Felarya at a point of its course and enter a regular but random dimension of the universe. The dimension which is connected to Felarya at the moment.

So you can't target Felarya from space because it is just not here. The only way to do it would be to fire randomly in space and hope the shot would pass through an universe connected to Felarya at the moment and land directly on it. And assuming the universe is infinite, this would be 1 chance on well ... infinity.