Mocking Harpies

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Mocking Harpies are known to range anywhere from tiny to human size. An uncommon species, they usually wear feathers of a wide variety of colors and are mostly found in jungles, or near tropical shores. They have been known to seek out human civilization, settling next to it on occasion. Mocking harpies are very playful and possess the innate magical ability of transforming sounds, allowing them to mimic practically any voice they hear and even throw it in a multitude of distances and directions. They use it for their favorite pass-time : playing dubious pranks and teasing and mocking other sentient beings.

Whenever they spot a potential target, mocking harpies will carefully observe them, gathering ammo before they unleash a tirade of insults. They are very adept at getting under a person's skin and, sadly, few of these harpies are above making fun of sick or even handicapped people. It takes a very thick skin to traverse regions that these maddening Harpies inhabit indeed, and the temptation to reply with a scathing retort of your own is great. Another way they love to prank others creatures in the wild is by mimicking them. After listening carefully to a voice, they will call out for someone in that same voice, either to sow discord or to lure them in a trap, right into the clutches of a waiting predator, laughing hysterically while the victim is eaten. If you are lucky, the harpy will just repeat every words you say in a taunting voice, which is already incredibly annoying.

A little know trait of them is their beautiful singing voices, that can rival that of a mermaid. Some of them are capable of singing songs that can lull a person to sleep or even make them fall in love, a tactic they sometimes use to find and abduct mates. Because they can mimic almost any voices, larger mocking harpies are efficient predators for tinies, easily luring their prey to them. It's apparently their favorite way of hunting.

  • Credits to TheLightLost for the idea of mocking harpies.