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A huge dridder gorging herself from unfortunate captured elves in her underground cave.

Dridders are half human, half spider creatures, who come in a large variety of sizes in Felarya, some measuring 3 feet tall while others easily reach 100 feet in height. They are dangerous and patient predators, possessing deadly venom, acute reflexes and an uncanny ability to lay traps.

Dridders in Felarya can be divided in two main categories : The Wanderers and the Weavers.

  • Wanderers are visually more acute than the weavers, with thicker, more muscular spider legs. They are more adept at navigation through all types of terrain and they are able to run faster and jump for longer distances than the weavers. They can steadily chase after prey for long distances and are capable of impressive short burst of speed, although they tend to prefer ambush tactics. While they can produce silk, they are generally much less adept than the weavers at it and typically don't build complex webs.
  • Weavers has less heightened senses and less endurance overall, but their legs are extremely sensitive to the faintest touches and vibrations of their web and possess special claws allowing them to grasp silk and weaving it with unparalleled agility. They can use it not only to hunt but also to craft clothes and even buildings. They typically hunt in a smaller territory than the wanderers, but it's lined with countless strand of silk that allow them to sense even the tiniest movement caused by someone disturbing one of the security web-lines. The intensity of the vibration quickly gives a good indication of the size or strength of the creature, and with webs spread out all over, a dridder can monitor an intruder or potential prey item's movement through their territory as it hits on different signal lines. If it is not heading for their den, the dridder will have more then enough information on the intruder to know its general location and whether or not it would be worth going to investigate it.

With their ambushes, giant dridders pose a big danger to travelers in Felarya and small group of them have been seen raiding human settlements. Little is known about them in general, but they tend to carry a grim and dark reputation. Indeed, many of them display a cruel and ruthless behavior in the frenzy of combat which has gotten their whole race wrongfully labeled as evil. Dridders are fierce fighters and have a war-like society that holds their warriors in very high regard. Their natural weapons are their claws and their venom which is often lethal, even at small doses. They actually possess a wide variety of venoms, some of them which will only make the bitten creature sleepy. They have two methods of feeding. Like most Felaryan predators, they simply swallow bite-sized prey whole and alive, but if the prey is their size, they immobilize their victims and slowly liquefy their internal organs into a soup, sucking them out much like a normal spider. Needless to say this last fact contributes a lot to their sinister reputation.

Dridders also often use weapons and armor, and it's not uncommon to see their legs reinforced by spiked plates. Their blacksmiths are very skilled, and among the best in Felarya. Many dridders have a deep distrust of nagas, the result of a long-standing and bloody feud existing between the two species. Some legend among dridders foretells that one day, Sineria, Queen of the dridders, will return and destroy the nagas once and for all. In return many nagas are taught to never trust a dridder. Some dridders are actively searching for clues to the location of Sineria’s tomb. So far little has been found. There is many proofs that dridders once formed an organized, sophisticated, rich and powerful civilization with some old Victorian-styled structures and clothes. Nowadays most dridders in Felarya have a much more primitive look to them, but if you encounter a spider lady dressed in smart, fancy attire, you may be facing a survivor from the era of Sineria's reign.


Known Dridders

Dridders Sub-species

  • Credits goes to Rcs619 and Aethernavale for various ideas to help develop the dridders, and to Wnxgreek for the Victorian design idea.