The Correctors
The entities known as " Correctors" are strange and mysterious beings appearing in flowing grey cloaks that conceal entirely their bodies. They are said to be a very ancient race of planewalkers, with the role of watchers of time and space, and are the representation of order in its most absolute form. They are very powerful entities, with an incredible control over dimensional magic, and they have no qualms whatsover to use it in order to erase anything they deem a threath to the equilibrium of the universe. their fundamental belief is that too much dimensional anomalies will end up tearing the fabric of reality appart, leaving free rein to the "outer-ones", nighmarish things dwelling on the "other side" of the reality who constantly try to find a breach. When they do, the casulaties are generally counted by billions and entire worlds are destroyed.
For that reason, the Correctors take a dim view on Felarya and its unstable nature, and soon decided it should be removed from existence altogether, the world being a potential weak point in the fabric of Reality. However, for unclear reasons that are perhaps related on how Felarya was created and its very nature, they couldn't simply destroy it from afar. The Correctors had to enter it first and defeat its guardians on their own ground. However the Felarya Guardians were apparently expecting them and were very well prepared for their arrival, presenting them with a formidable defense. The correctors were clearly surprised by such a fierce opposition and had to retreat temporarily. They came back though, and it was the beginning of an incredibly violent conflict, with the Correctors seeking to inflict the maximum possible dammages and lay waste to Felarya.
The Great war
( name pending )
Under construction
Successive waves of very violent attacks with period of calms between them. Dilemnas of the corrector : violent attack may end up making Felarya even more unstable than what it is now ( either destroy it or give up entirely ). They seek to be decisive with each of them.
Titan uprising - tactic
Final battle
Corrector Forces :
Base ground force
Reality recomposer
Felaryan forces :
Guardians ( dead guardians ? )