Templates and models page

From Felarya
Revision as of 22:51, 16 December 2009 by Oldman40k2003 (Talk | contribs) (Adding new templates...)

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  • Navigation template:

Forum discussion thread on the various species "basic character information box" here.

Base Template

Generic information (all species templates start from this one and get fields added or taken away as needed)

Name: ?
Species: ?
Age:  ?
Sex:  ?
Height:  ? feet (head to ground)
Hair colour:  ?
Eye colour:  ?
Other characteristics:  ?

Fairy Template

Name: ?
Species: Fairy
Age:  ?
Sex:  ?
Maximum height:  ? feet (head to ground)
Common height:  ? feet (head to ground)
Minimum height:  ? feet (head to ground)
Hair colour:  ?
Eye colour:  ?
Wing style:  ?
Other characteristics:  ?

  • nagas characteristics
name Placeholder
species Naga
sex Placeholder
age Placeholder
height Placeholder feet (head to ground)
hair colour Placeholder
eye colour Placeholder
scale colour Placeholder