
From Felarya
Revision as of 21:27, 7 June 2007 by Wowandwas (Talk | contribs) (Added Ur-Sagol to the locations catogory, basic info and inferd stuff... probably needs a looking over from Karbo)

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Danger : Normal
Inhabitants :

A ruined and ancient city, Ur-Sagol was once a relatively safe and prosperous place. Hidden in between zones, the people here built a large Metropolis in the relative safety of it's confines. The true reasons for the city destruction are still unclear, however as the tails that do exist say, "Ur-Sagol grew, grew wide and fat. It reveled in its riches, and soon the Guardians took notice." tales of this type are cautionary; Ur-Sagol has since become a waring and omen, often used to dissuade expansionistic peoples.

What is known is that however the city was destroyed, it was spectacular and fast. Leading most experts to believe it was in fact the work of a guardian, however which one is unknown. Dating reveals that the city was destroyed some 2000 yeas ago. Strangely in that time the jungles surrounding them have been slow to reclaim them. Giving further credence to the suspicion the land has been cursed.

The ruins them selves give little to no information about their builders other than that the larger structures resemble that of ancient Egypt and babylon of earth.

Despite its reputation, the existence of the dimensional gate on the outskirts of the city mean a fair amount of traffic still passes through it. One should be on their guard, not only for the native Felaryan predators that may come seeking fresh prey form other worlds; but also from the bandits and thieves that sometimes set up in the ruins to rob the newcomers and trade caravans headed to and from the gate.