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Compiling the recent history of Felarya is a huge task, and lot of parts remain in the dark. The ancient past is all but impossible to assess, the truth being buried under the weight of time and countless legends.

The time on this continent of Felarya is calculated based on the fall of Ur-Sagol, believed to have taken place some 2068 years ago. After lot of efforts and research, a group of mages managed to establish that timeline of events ( oddly enough, they were helped by some fairy scholars in what remains a most unusual and rare cultural collaboration between the two races.

Under construction and not definitive

Pre-Sagolian times (BU)

  • Creation of Felarya - unknown times
  • war with the Correctors

Fall of Ur-Sagol

Post-Sagolian times (AU)

  • 145 AU : fall of Sineria
  • 1886 AU : Founding of Negav
  • 20168 AU : present time