
From Felarya
Revision as of 05:28, 29 June 2007 by Wowandwas (Talk | contribs) (People of the bowl: added "important figures")

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Many humans, from many worlds, have come to Felarya over the years. Often attracted by its treasures, wealth, and fabulous legends. Some humans come with technology, some with powerful magic, others just determination. What they all share however is ingenuity and the ability to form large effective groups.

Social creatures, humans often create city's and society's around them. Many of the ruins scattered across Felarya were once human settlements. They also are best at adversity, sometimes the more inventive or courageous types can surmount incredible odds. But they can also be individually and sometimes collectively arrogant and short sighted. Humans tend to consider themselves superior to other creatures.

Being on the smaller side they are often prey to many felaryan predators.

Known Humans





Crimson Eyes Tribe

People of the bowl

Important Figures

Jhon Gallenfreed
Jack Harbin
