Felaryan proverbs
From Felarya
Proverbs, expressions, and various saying of popular wisdom, used by different species of different sizes around Felarya.
- A neko in the hand is worth two in the bush.
- The road to glory is long, the path to the stomach is quick.
- When the fairies laugh, it's time to run.
- A hungry stomach have no ears.
- Pretty lips lead to a belly.
- Out of the fairy's hand into the naga's maw.
- It's the calm before the Mermaid.
- Judge not a fairy by her size.
- Talk of the naga, and she is bound to appear.
- Swallow in haste, digest in leisure.
- It is when you feel safe that the hunter is watching.
- Everyone have their fairy wings.
- For want of a jewel a treasure was sought; for want of a treasure an adventure was wrought; for want of adventure the adventurer became lost; and for the adventurer becoming lost the naga was fed.
- A fool and his skevols are soon parted.
- All is fair in love and vore !
- Better the predator you know than the one you don't.
- Don't take life too seriously; you'll never get out of it alive.
- Don't make a Dridder out of a spider
- Curiosity fed the fairy.
- Don't swallow more than your stomach can handle.
- Fortune favors the bold, but fortune only goes so far.
- Organization makes an army, disorganization makes a feast.
- Credits goes to Asuroth, SuperPieGuy9, French-snack, FurryKurry, tkh1304, Jasconius, ZionAtriedes, Feadraug Sean Okotami, for various proverb ideas ^_^