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Danger : Normal
Inhabitants : kensha beasts, nagas, podmaws

A ruined, ancient city, once safe and prosperous. Over time, Ur-Sagol became a large and mighty Metropolis, well known in several worlds for its powerful mages and its great gathering of felaryan artefacts and treasures.

The true reasons for the city destruction are unclear and probably lost in time as it took place 2000 years ago, according to some scriptures. However it is widely believed that the city became too big and expansionistic for its own good, and caught the attention of a guardian. Which one is unknown, however the destruction was spectacular and fast.. Strangely in that time the jungles surrounding the ruins have been slow to reclaim them, Giving suspicion that the land has been cursed as well.

Ur-Sagol has since become a ominous omen for every Felarya cities, often branded to dissuade expansionistic leaders.

The ruins themselves has been largely pillaged and emptied over time, giving little to no informations about their builders. The only sure thing is that the large, cyclopeans structures resemble that of ancient Egypt and Babylon of earth.

Despite its sinister reputation, the existence of the dimensional gate on the outskirts of the city mean a fair amount of traffic still passes through it. The place is dangerous. Not only Felaryan predators often come here seeking fresh preys form other worlds, but also many bandits and thieves lurks in the ruins to rob the newcomers and trade caravans headed to and from the gate.