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Giant Naga
Size: about 75” from head to ground
Blond hair
Blue/teal eyes
Teal scales
60 years old

Crisis can be considered the main character of the Felarya universe. The mouth of the logo belongs to her. ^^

She is a young, cute and carefree naga who enjoy greatly life and seems always in a cheerful mood. She lives near a giant tree, in a zone between the Jungle of perils and the great swamps north of Negav city. Despite her appearance, she is a voracious and cunning predator and a very good hunter, fast and silent. She enjoy greatly the thrill of a good hunt and loves to play with her prey like cat and mouse. She hunt and eat any living being small enough for her to swallow, exception of any other nagas no matter the size. This include humans who are an important part of her diet. She always swallow her preys whole and alive because she enjoy to feel them squirm in her belly and because it's a lot more "fun".

But despite that, Crisis has a sweet and gentle nature and is known for her kindness among other nagas.

Her past

Crisis's physical abilities are impressive and a lot much higher than the average naga: She is fast, agile and very skilled in stealth. This come from the first part of her life where she learned to survive on her own. She has never known her real parents and has risen herself alone at first, then by a pack of Felaryan Fairies who rescued her when she was almost fatally wounded by a predator ( a young Felaryan naga is about the size of a human when he/she born ) Without them, if Crisis had survived, she would have surely been totally different than what she is now : Darker, wilder, distrustful and primitive.

Also her ever cheerful and playful mood come directly from these Fairies, as well as this innocent and naive looks she has. That's partly because Felaryan fairies adore to trick adventurers this way : appearing as tiny, weak and fragile creatures, then becoming giant in a blink of an eye with their size-shifting powers. When you know Crisis well you realize that she is a LOT less innocent and naive than what she looks and that she enjoy to use that to trick her world ^^

How to not be eaten

If you are human-sized, that's very hard.. Crisis is very voracious and as long as a human don't distinct him/herself from the countless she has already eaten, she will just think of him/her as another cute, tasty and wriggly thing who belong to her belly and too small to be considered as a person..

To avoid this tragic fate :

First she must not be too hungry or the case is almost lost by advance. Hearing her stomach growl is a sign of impending doom. The point is for the human to get out of the "food category", where humans belongs by default, between the moment where he/she is caught and the moment where he/she will be swallowed... in short : being very convincing very fast. That's technically not impossible but few remain cool-headed enough when confronted to her. The thing is to make Crisis somewhat forget that she want to eat you or catch her interest in some ways. Obviously anything ranging from : fighting her, threatening, flattering, begging, trying to reason her wouldn't work because she has seen it countless times.

To make the matter worse, Crisis is very playful and will not hesitate to play dumb and make her prey believe there is a glimpse of hope and they have managed to convince her. However if you ever manage to get out of this "food category" you would have almost nothing to fear of Crisis any more.

Her favorite preys are cat people ( especially girls ). They taste even better than humans to her and they are smart and agile, making chasing them interesting and fun.

It's worth noticing that Crisis's stomach is extremely strong and resistant. It can easily withstand the explosion of a grenade and digest everything that find its way here. Even a marine in a titanium exo-skeleton armor would have zero chances to survive...

Like and dislike

-Crisis respect good hunters of her size and is always eager to share tricks/ hunt stories with them.

-She has a weak spot for music and beautiful voices

-She like courage. For example she spared several times courageous humans who fought her and were going to sacrifice themselves to buy time for others. Well it still happens rarely..

-She has a curious nature and absolutely adore stories, especially if it come from a different world. Several times a human saved him/herself by being a good storyteller and speaking about his/her world of origin. That was the case of Léa.

It's very difficult to make Crisis really angry, she is not the antagonist type, isn't-strong-spirited and is generally afraid of confrontations. Still one of the surest way to do it is to harm one of her friend or something dear to her ( Crisis is very loyal to anybody she consider a friend ). Crisis would then "switch" in serious mode. She then become very focused on what to do, be it a rescue or a swift kill. Ironically if you manage to really anger her, she wouldn't think to eat you any more but only to punish you, which is not necessarily better.


Crisis looking all cute and innocent..