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[[Image:Lightningwiki.jpg|thumb|right|500px|The neko shaman Rosalak invoking a huge lightning elemental. Picture by wenart, commissioned by Timing2, and used with artist's permission. For larger version visit [http://wenart.deviantart.com/ wenart's gallery].
[[Image:Lightningwiki.jpg|thumb|right|500px|The neko shaman Rosalak invoking a huge lightning elemental. Picture by wenart commissioned by Timing2 and used with artist's permission. For larger version visit [http://wenart.deviantart.com/ wenart's gallery].
Elementals can be roughly defined as spirits inhabiting nonliving matter, though they are infinitely more complex than that.  For example, a water elemental isn't just moving water with a mind of its ownOnce the matter is possessed by an elemental, it becomes the body of the creature and forms complex organs just like in a regular organic creature's body. It take days or weeks for an elemental to properly develop its body when it first inhabits it. Because of Felarya's magical nature, many elementals are able to animate important masses of matter, making them huge. Elementals use partly the rich ambient magic of Felarya to maintain their form, although most of them need to eat as well. They hunt pretty much anything that is living and that they can consume. Their body is often malleable, which means that their throat, mouth and stomach can stretch quite a bit, allowing them to swallow large preys.  
Elementals in Felarya can be roughly defined as spirits inhabiting non-living matter. They are much more complex than that though, and a water elemental isn't just moving water with a mind of its own. Once the matter is possessed by the elemental, it starts forming complex organs just like in a regular organic body. This process usually takes days or weeks when the elemental take possession of its body for the first time, but becomes much faster afterwards, should the spirit inhabit another body. On most worlds, Elementals are only able to inhabit primordial matter such as fire or water, but on worlds charged with magic like Felarya, their range can be extended to other type of matter as well. On some worlds, there have even been recorded instances of elementals inhabiting an idea! For example, in the Malorjaa battlefield, so infamous for the terrible massacres that took place here, the anguish of fallen soldiers created a gigantic elemental of hate that rampaged across the whole world. Those instances are extremely rare, though, and remain one of a kind.
Elementals are extremely hard to kill. If you fight one in its own element, the task can become all but impossible because the elemental will use the surroundings to sustain itself.  Even if you manage to severely damage its body, the elemental will just leave it and search for another chunk of matter to animate in a quieter place.  However, once an elemental spirit has chosen a type of matter to inhabit, it will never be able to use another type. A fire elemental will never become an ice elemental, for example.  Moreover, leaving its body for another is an unpleasant, sometimes traumatic experience for the elemental, especially if they got used to it for a long time. The only sure ways to get rid of an elemental is to either devour its spirit (but creatures able to perform that trick are rare) or to use a banish spell once the spirit is separated from the body, to take the spirit away. Using opposite elemental magic is also a good way to damage them (water vs fire for example). There is no existing spellcaster strong enough to harm an elemental using its own element (aside from the coldfire used by some very rare beings, among them the [[succubi|succubus]] [[Arale]]).
On Felarya, while no such instances have ever been recorded, the magical saturation of the world allows some elementals to animate very large quantities of matter, making their size comparable to that of giant predators. Most elementals use both the rich ambient magic of Felarya, and the food they eat, to maintain their form. They hunt pretty much anything that is living and that they can consume, and many elementals see [[humans]] as little more than a suitable way to fuel their bodies. Their form is often malleable, which means that their throat, mouth, and stomach can stretch quite a bit, allowing them to swallow large prey. Elementals are extremely hard to kill. If you fight one in its own element, the task can become all but impossible because the elemental will use the surroundings to sustain itself.  Even if you manage to severely damage its body, the elemental will just leave it and search for another chunk of matter to animate in a quieter place.  However, once an elemental spirit has chosen a type of matter to inhabit, it will never be able to use another type. A fire elemental will never become an ice elemental, for example.  Moreover, for an elemental, leaving its body for another is an unpleasant and sometimes traumatic experience, especially if they got used to it over a long period of time. The only sure ways to get rid of an elemental are to either devour its spirit (but creatures able to perform such a feat are very rare), or to use a banishment spell once the spirit is separated from the body, to take the spirit away. Using opposing elemental magic is also a good way to damage them (water vs fire for example). There is no existing spellcaster strong enough to harm an elemental using its own element (aside from the coldfire used by some very rare beings, among them the [[succubi|succubus]] [[Arale]]).
Many elementals shape their body like a [[humans|human's]], but others have a very animalistic appearance. How intelligent and conscious an elemental is varies enormously from one specimen to anotherThere are some spirits that are barely aware of themselves, and some with a mind closer to a god's than a human. It's interesting to note that many elementals takes recuring shapes, that can almost be considered as species, althought they can vary widely in size. The reason for it is unknown but some speculate that elementals are somehow memorizing certain forms and pass them over.
Elementals have a curious way of agingPast a certain point, the elemental becomes so accustomed to its body that destroying the body will either banish or destroy the spirit as well, effectively rendering the elemental as mortal as any other creature.
== Awakening ==
Many elementals shape their body like a [[humans|human's]], but others have a very animalistic appearance. How intelligent and conscious an elemental is varies enormously from one specimen to another. There are some spirits that are barely aware of themselves, and some with a mind closer to a god's than a human. When asked what it's like to be a body-less spirit and how she came to inhabit her body, a sentient elemental described the process as being "awakened". She was a wandering spirit, barely conscious of the world, and one day she became deeply aware of it, triggering the urge to possess a body. According to her, the humanoid form she assumed just came to her as the most natural thing in the world. While an elemental's form could be virtually limitless, there is definitely some recurring shapes that can almost be considered as species. The reason for it is unknown but some mages speculate that elementals are somehow memorizing certain forms and passing them on to other spirits through some mysterious means. Those species can vary widely in size though, as does the danger they represent. A [[Nature Elementals#Crimson Snapdragon|Crimson snapdragon]] the size of a wolf would be classified as a Low level threat, while one the size of an [[fauna7#Ouraghin|ouraghin]] would obviously be much more dangerous.
= List of elements =
Elementals are deeply individualistic creatures, and have never formed anything like a culture or a civilization. The case of [[King Trazix]] and his small community of Lava elementals in [[Pyrale mountains#Mount Vylkren|Mount Vylkren]] is an exception. They don't see themselves as a race at all, just individual and unique entities. It's interesting to note that many sentient elementals find themselves attracted to [[fairies]] and often mate with them.
== Nature Elementals==
They are primal spirits who have chosen to construct physical bodies out of Felaryan flora rather than raw elemental forces.  While nature elementals often develop a preference for a certain plant, they are capable of reconstituting bodies from another type when necessary. There are two loosely defined types of nature elementals: wood elementals, and flora elementals, both including a wide variety of forms. Wood Elementals inhabit and shape a tree, shrub, or other woody plant into their physical body. The two most known forms are treants and bramblewolves. Nature elementals shape their physical bodies from vegetation, raw plant matter, or vines.  Some species of flora elementals include crimson snapdragons, kudzu pythons, and glade unicorns.
=== Known Elementals ===
==== Bramblewolves ====
Bramblewolves are small wood elementals, with vaguely canid bodies, which are formed out of thorny bushes and shrubbery.  They often have leafy manes or "socks" around their feet, and long, branch-like bushy tails.  They have long, thin spines protruding from their manes and along their bodies for defense, and their teeth and claws are formed from thick, wickedly sharp large thorns.  Bramblewolves are sightless and hunt entirely by vibration, traveling in packs of 3-5. They are non-sentient and of animal level intelligence, vicious and nearly fearless when it comes to running down prey. Pretty much the only thing they fear is fire, since they are as vulnerable to it as most wood elementals are.
*[[King Trazix]]
Treants are elementals resembling mobile, humanoid trees.  Unlike [[dryads]] however, treants usually don't possess a human body, although they often have a human like face somewhere on their trunks. Treants can be commonly found in the presence of Dryads, who enjoy their company and treat them as trusted confidants.
====Crimson snapdragons====
They are elemental creatures resembling a huge komodo dragon.  Large, quadrupedal, and powerful animals, they are ravenous and rarely give up pursuit of prey once they have began.  Their bodies are formed from the carnivorous plants in the [[Jungle of perils]], with large, spiked jaws resembling a venus flytrap. Like bramblewolves, crimson snapdragons are blind, lacking eyes.  However, their ability to sense vibrations is limited, and only effective within their immediate area.  They mostly lay in wait for creatures to pass by, blending in perfectly with the scarlet background of the jungle. Once they sense the vibrations of a passing creature, they spring forward and spew a cloud of fine spores at them.  These spores are harmless but if their initial attack is unsuccessful and their prey manages to escape their jaws, the spores allow a crimson snapdragon to track the marked prey over incredible distances. They have an amazing sense of smell, and can detect even the faintest trace of the spores from miles away, allowing them to follow their prey tirelessly. The spores are very difficult to remove or wash away, and to remove them with water would require multiple baths.
==[[:Category: Elemental Types|List of elements]]==
====Kudzu pythons====
*<b>[[Nature Elementals]]</b>
Kudzu pythons are yet another animalistic variant of nature elemental, resembling large constrictor snakes made out of tightly woven vines-like plants.  They are very fast, excellent swimmers and climbers, and capable of powerfully constricting their prey.  Unlike true constrictor snakes however, kudzu pythons swallow their prey alive, squeezing it until all the fight has left it, and then engulfing it before they can get a second wind.  They are very stealthy and more physically resilient than other nature elementals; while their vines can be cut, they are capable of unweaving most of their body into vines, making their vulnerable points difficult to locate and attack.  Moreover, piercing weapons are useless against a kudzu python, as they will just slip between the vines composing the creature. In addition, by relaxing slightly, a kudzu python can expand, making it a larger threat and capable of swallowing prey much larger than itself. Thus kudzu pythons are a threat to large predators and small humanoids alike. 
*<b>[[Air Elementals]]</b>
====Glade unicorns====
*<b>[[Darkness Elementals]]</b>
Despite their name, they are not actually unicorns, but rather a type of flora elemental that greatly resembles them.  They are equine in appearance, but have hooves and a long, spiraling horn made of wood.  They wear leafy manes, "socks" above their hooves, and tails.  In terms of coloration, they typically occur in woodland greens, but have also been spotted in autumn colors and bright floral colors as well.  Despite their animal appearance, glade unicorns are very intelligent, and capable of communicating with other beings.  They are usually peaceful, feeding on plants rather than animals or sentient beings.  They sometimes have a reputation as crusaders, refusing to tolerate what they perceive as injustice, and will attack those they deem wicked.  Unfortunately, due to their inhuman world-view, it's very difficult to predict exactly how they define "injustice" and "wickedness", which means that they can pose a significant threat to [[humans]] under various circumstances.  Glade unicorns also have an unusual ability some have described as an "Aura of Tranquility" : by shaking their mane, they can release spores into the air.  Most creatures that inhale these spores will gradually become more and more relaxed and calm, until they are incapable of aggression.  Glade unicorns are fairly rare, and solitary, even for elementals.  Many summoners travel into the forests of Felarya hoping to encounter one and befriend or establish a contract with it, as they are said to be powerful and reliable allies.  Unfortunately for many would-be "masters", they have very high standards, and a summoner who is determined to be unworthy may find herself on the business end of the elemental's horn.
*<b>[[Water Elementals]]</b>
[[Image:Bloomwiki.jpg|thumb|left|500px|A Bloom dryad]]
*<b>[[Earth Elementals]]</b>
====Bloom [[dryads]]====
Despite their names, Bloom dryads are actually elementals.  Their main body is usually made of various vegetation, vines and leaves, and stays underground, while the upper female half of the dryad is made of bright and very beautiful flowers and is the part the "dryad" shows to the world.  The presence of a bloom dryad is typically signified by a concentration of beautiful flowers in an area.  Depending on their diet and location, they can cover anything from the size of a small swimming pool to a vast foot-ball-field sized area of ground.  As with actual dryads, bloom dryads can conceal themselves perfectly in the landscape, but with greater efficiency, since all they need to do is hide under the surface of the ground.  When they do surface, their hair appear made of tangled roots and flowers, and their skin is the colour of the soil.  Like other floral plants, they are more than capable of absorbing energy from the sun and growing from it, but it's a much speedier process to feed on smaller creatures.  In order to capture their prey, bloom dryads use a special pollen from their flowers.  When puffed into the face of a victim, it sends them into a temporary state of semi-unconsciousness which makes them much easier to swallow.  Personality-wise, bloom dryads tend towards flights of fancy, but always display an outwards appearance of great joy and happiness.  Like their flowers, they bend different ways in the proverbial 'wind', changing their opinions and decisions in a heartbeat if they feel so inclined.  They love to eat, and see absolutely nothing wrong with consuming whatever strays into their territory.  However, one thing they love more than anything else is to be complimented, and more than one oblivious traveller has been spared the belly of a bloom dryad simply by commenting on how beautiful her petals were.
== Air Elementals ==
These elementals have chosen to inhabit and shape the ambient air of Felarya.  They typically are fast, can fly or float, but are rather weak physically.
A rather nasty creature made out of malevolent spirits that possesses air.  They represents the spirits of tornadoes and dust devils.  Brizzs dwell in mountaintops, deserts, and plains, and they are very rare in the actual jungles.  During winter, they become more active and predatory and may float into the outskirts of its usual territory to rend anything that comes near with claws of wind.  These creatures look intangible and are very often mistaken for [[minor races#Ghosts|ghosts]].  However they do possess a body, in the form of a small, transparent, floating nexus, enveloped by raging winds.  Brizzs vary widely in size, but most of them are not very smart, and have a very hostile nature.  They are hard to destroy through any means but magic.  Throwing things into a brizz just gives it missiles to throw back at the attacker, and approaching its vulnerable nexus within striking range is difficult and dangerous. Even magic is not that helpful, with some chance of it backfiring.  Fire, in particular, is to be avoided at all cost, for a brizz set ablaze will incinerate whatever it envelopes.  Generally speaking, brizzs are best avoided.  Technically, one can neutralize a brizz by simply inhaling it and digesting the nexus, which is said to also have the benefit of giving the inhaler the temporary ability of flight.  However the risk of getting nasty cuts from the brizz's claws usually outweighs the benefits.
=== Murmuras=== 
Murmuras are strange bell-shaped creatures, mostly found in [[Imoreith Tundra]].  They are made of constantly vibrating air, and any contact with them gives the strange feeling of vibrations propagating throughout your body , a bit like if you were holding a running pneumatic drill.  Murmuras are intelligent beings that can talk, but their voice is constantly changing.  Over the course of a single discussion a murmura's voice can vary widely: first a normal but loud voice, then a whisper, then shouting, then changing to either a male's or female's voice, then an angry voice, next perhaps some using animal cries, or even own voice.  It results in a strange cacophony that can be quite painful to the ears.  Like many creatures of the zone, murmuras hunt by using sound as a weapon, either to draw a prey to them, or to stunt it with a violent sound wave.  Once close enough, the murmuras will provoke a very violent detonation that literally throws the prey in to the air and knocks it out before they swallow it.  Murmuras are not very resistant though, and their body can be destroyed by a violent enough shock.
== Darkness Elementals ==
Darkness elementals create their bodies out of pure darkness.  They mostly live in dark caves or bottomless abysses where very little or no light can be found.  This type of elemental is typically very powerful in its element, but also terribly weak against light as any light attacks its very body. It's important to note that, contrary to popular belief, a darkness elemental is not necessarily evil.
===Abyssal Discs===
A type of darkness elemental that resides in the most lightless, deepest parts of the Topazial [[Sea depths]].  Physically it's extremely flat, almost merely a membrane of darkness stretched over the ocean bottom, and is stationary.  There it lies in wait for prey to approach, at which point it strikes.  Nearly anything that touches its surface becomes stuck fast, as if to a sticky mat.  The creature then draws in the rest of its prey, until it is enveloped and is only seen as a bulge in the totally dark, flat disc.  Since abyssal discs are highly magical in nature like other elementals, they share an elemental's appetite.  However, they can sustain themselves to a degree by utilizing the magical properties of Felarya's soil, in the form of the sediment directly beneath them, which their wide surface area makes the best use of.  They are known to have an extreme aversion to light, which because of their exceptionally thin nature, is quite distressing and even damaging to them.  One of their most common predators, the [[fauna4#Shinade|shinade]], makes excellent use of this weakness.  The largest abyssal discs residing in the deepest abysses of Felaya are said to cover immense areas of ocean floor.
[[Image:Spritesandarawiki.jpg|thumb|right|500px|A water sprite. Picture by Sandara and used with artist's permission. For larger version visit [http://sandara.deviantart.com/ Sandara's gallery].
==Water Elementals==
Water elementals are, as their name suggests, elementals inhabiting water under different forms. Their bodies are usually very malleable and able to take different forms. Clouds and Fog Elementals choose to inhabit the multiple tiny droplets of water in suspension in the air, that create fog and clouds.  They tend to be rather lazy, drifting quietly in the air, and are generally not very dangerous. Vapor elementals are often confused for air elementals, due to their blurry appearance. They can be described as superheated water elementals who, unlike most of their cousins, love areas that are hotter, though still with adequate moisture.
Naiads are a humanoid species of water elementals, able to alternate at will between liquid and a fully solid form. For some reasons, all of them appear as a feminine figure wearing the exact same white dress in that form, as well as sapphire blue eyes. They are different individuals in figure and size but those two elements remain consistent. Naiads stay mostly in their liquid state, hidden in a pond, and are usually rather shy and secretive beings. They like to keep to themselves as much as possible and rarely venture outside of their home. They are not defenseless though, and can occasionnaly grow to great size, even though their solid bodies are fragile and can be broken down by a large enough impact. More often than not, though, a Naiad's death will be because of accidental drinking by an unwary creature. Like their close namesake, [[Dryads]], Naiads have an interconnected mental network, due to the water cycle.
====Self-Conscious Clouds====
A strange and utterly harmless type of cloud elementals. It playfully changes shape the moment someone recognizes exactly whom it's imitating. Village youngsters love to pelt the cloud with names and requests, while romantic couples laying in the grass find them impossible to enjoy. It's believed no one ever managed to engage in a direct conversation with one.
==== Vapyres ====
Vapyres can range from large to small and can take a variety of shapes, but most often a human-shaped one.  Due to their turbulent nature though, it only resembles the outline of a [[humans|human]], with barely distinguishable features.  Only the larger or older vapyres are able to get a fairly realistic humanoid shape.  Any attempt to touch a vapyre will result in you getting scalded.  Vapyres are not really aggressive or predatory though, not really needing food to sustain themselves, as long as there is enough moisture in the air.  Vapyres tend to have friendly but hot blooded personalities.  If a vapyre feels like you are annoying, or insulting it, it will likely lash out and you will get a nasty steam burn.  When really angry, they will also chase the offender quite far, being very vindictive.  Perhaps this is warranted, due to a strange relationship with some of the more primitive societies on Felarya.  Many of these groups do not have advanced machinery, though some have basic steam engines.  Mining for coal on Felarya, however, is an unrealistic venture, so an alternative source of steam was needed.  What has been found is that if a powerful enough mage can bind a vapyre, they can be placed in a steam engine and controlled by that mage to power it, giving unlimited power due to the vapyre not dissipating and being constantly looped through the machine.  This can be dangerous if the mage ever loses control, or dies.  The vapyre will then burst from the machine in an impressive explosion, and you can bet it will be VERY angry, and start taking revenge on its captors.  It is rumored some people have actually befriended vapyres who do such tasks willingly, but that is fairly rare.  Fighting a vapyre is difficult due to their speed and intangible nature.  One way to do it is using a powerful ice magic to either turn one into a block of ice, or to cool the vapyre down; it will condense in to a liquid form, in which it is helpless and inert.  It will not be able to move again until it is heated and begins to turn back in to steam.  Be warned though, some vapyres can start to heat themselves up naturally.
== Earth Elementals ==
They are spirits who built their bodies out of the soil or minerals of Felarya.  Thus, they literally take in to themselves the healing property of Felarya, granting them amazing regenerative abilities, and very powerful healing magic.
== Magic Elementals ==
The rarest of elementals, magic elementals are only born when already powerful spirits use the essence of magic itself itself to create their body. They are immensely powerful entities, although they suffer from the same drawback as other elementals. Since the larger an elemental is, the closer it must remain to its element, magic elementals are typically unable to leave extremely magic-rich places such as the [[fairy kingdom]], and most forms of anti-magic are absolutely crippling to them. They may subsist on magic of the environment, or take the form of something fit for hunting. Because their body is defined by their whims, their behavior can become erratic and unpredictable. Unluckily for magic users, magic elementals have the most heightened awareness for the [[predator sense]], and can likely pinpoint them miles away, just as if the spell caster was next to them. However, since they are such an immense focus of magical energy, they in turn can be sensed by anything capable of the sense from great distances. If you've sensed it first, it's smartest to activate something with anti-magic capabilities as self-protection or, better yet, leave the area. Magic elementals are the natural predator of [[minor races#Genies|genies]], seeing the extremely magic-rich beings as 'candies in a jar'.
== Fire Elementals ==
Fire Elementals are, as the name suggests, an elemental spirit inhabiting a source of flame or fire. While fires normally spread further or burn out, fire elementals are able to keep a regulated body. Like all elementals, they range in intelligence. Fire elementals tend to be passionate, easily roused to anger, love or other emotions. Fire elementals can be found across Felarya, but are very rare in wet environments. They are most common in open areas, with little vegetation or water.
== Lava Elementals ==
Lava Elementals are created from superheated rock. They live mostly in volcanic environments, near to the stuff of their creation. Lava elementals are particularly powerful as they have the immense power of a fire elemental combined with the regenerative powers of an earth elemental. The more intelligent spirits often take on humanoid forms, the most famous being Lava Lords like [[King Trazix]]. Lava elementals tend to have wide ranges of demeanor, from a grounded cheerfulness to a fiery temper when angered.
Mafexes are lava elementals living nearly entirely within its element. They resemble fishes of a breathtakingly exotic and beautiful variety, all coloured blinding shades of orange, yellow and red and with many gossamer fins that shimmer and reform. The pattern of colours on their body shift as the lava they are made up of flows within their form. Despite their beauty it is not advised to get too close as even being within the proximity to one of these creatures can cause your body to start to combust. They are however usually viewed at a distance as they live most of their lives leaping and swimming in lava flows. They do not need to eat as long as they are in their element and are mostly harmless, though as a curious species that is also dangerous to be near, it is best not to attract their attention.
Gullins are a very fearsome type of lava elemental that lives in volcanic areas. It resembles in shape a massive, over-muscled boar with a large sharp mane and two pairs of tusks. It appears however to be made of a dark cracked rock, through which can be seen veins of flowing lava. The bristles and eyes of the Gullin burn red hot, adding to its frightening appearance. While the outside of the Gullin is rocklike, its veins and stomach flow with lava. Their "stomach" would actually probably be better described as a furnace - whatever the Gullin eats is combusted here into fuel for the animal. While they roam around eating coal, the Gullins never seem to be satiated and will devour nearly anything to fuel themselves.
==Lightning Elementals==
Lightning Elementals are made from pure electricity, constantly flowing and thus shaped into a form. Lightning Elementals are never still, constantly shifting as they pulse over and over. Lightning Elementals are usually ariel creatures and are most common in areas like the [[Great rocky fields]]. Lightning Elementals' power increase greatly during lightning storms, when they can augment with extra electricity. The most powerful Lightning elementals only appear during storms (or create storms wherever they go!) They tend to be chaotic, or at least in many ways very alien, living and thinking in a very different way to those static beings on the ground.
An animalistic lightning elemental, Tanngiosts resemble large Rams, made of electricity, thundering through the sky. They are attracted to where storms occour, but have no power over storms themselves. During these storms, they often fight each other, for dominance over some unknown. They sometimes jump down to the ground in a blast of lightning before charging back to the sky in an instant to impact their rivals. No one has stuck around long enough during one of these events to see if there is actually a winner.
=== Known Elementals ===
*Sasha (Nature - Bloom Dryad)
*[[Goro]] ( Nature - Treant )
*<b>[[Magic Elementals]]</b>
*[[Déméchrelle]] (Darkness)
*<b>[[Fire Elementals]]</b>
*[[King Trazix]] (Lava)
*<b>[[Lava Elementals]]</b>
*Queen Thanjayuur (Earth)
*<b>[[Lightning Elementals]]</b>
*Credits goes to Silent-eric for the Brizz and self-conscious cloud, to Jaette-troll for the Vapyres and many ideas for the fire, lava and lighting elementals, to Shaman for the Murmuras, to Malnorm for Naiads, to Rythmear for the Bloom dryads, to Fish for the Abyssal discs, to Fish and Silent-eric for the description of magic elementals, and to TheQuantumMechanic for the design and characterization of the Bramble wolves, Crimson Snapdragons, Kudzu Pythons, and Glade Unicorns.
*credits to TheLightLost for the idea of some elementals being created out of emotions.

Latest revision as of 01:59, 14 May 2013

General content: | Felaryan fauna | Felaryan flora | Races | Characters | Locations | History and Lore | Science and Magic | Culture and Customs | List of all available articles
Elemental Types: | Nature Elementals | Air Elementals | Darkness Elementals | Water Elementals | Earth Elementals | Magic Elementals | Fire Elementals | Lava Elementals | Lightning Elementals

The neko shaman Rosalak invoking a huge lightning elemental. Picture by wenart, commissioned by Timing2, and used with artist's permission. For larger version visit wenart's gallery.

Elementals in Felarya can be roughly defined as spirits inhabiting non-living matter. They are much more complex than that though, and a water elemental isn't just moving water with a mind of its own. Once the matter is possessed by the elemental, it starts forming complex organs just like in a regular organic body. This process usually takes days or weeks when the elemental take possession of its body for the first time, but becomes much faster afterwards, should the spirit inhabit another body. On most worlds, Elementals are only able to inhabit primordial matter such as fire or water, but on worlds charged with magic like Felarya, their range can be extended to other type of matter as well. On some worlds, there have even been recorded instances of elementals inhabiting an idea! For example, in the Malorjaa battlefield, so infamous for the terrible massacres that took place here, the anguish of fallen soldiers created a gigantic elemental of hate that rampaged across the whole world. Those instances are extremely rare, though, and remain one of a kind.

On Felarya, while no such instances have ever been recorded, the magical saturation of the world allows some elementals to animate very large quantities of matter, making their size comparable to that of giant predators. Most elementals use both the rich ambient magic of Felarya, and the food they eat, to maintain their form. They hunt pretty much anything that is living and that they can consume, and many elementals see humans as little more than a suitable way to fuel their bodies. Their form is often malleable, which means that their throat, mouth, and stomach can stretch quite a bit, allowing them to swallow large prey. Elementals are extremely hard to kill. If you fight one in its own element, the task can become all but impossible because the elemental will use the surroundings to sustain itself. Even if you manage to severely damage its body, the elemental will just leave it and search for another chunk of matter to animate in a quieter place. However, once an elemental spirit has chosen a type of matter to inhabit, it will never be able to use another type. A fire elemental will never become an ice elemental, for example. Moreover, for an elemental, leaving its body for another is an unpleasant and sometimes traumatic experience, especially if they got used to it over a long period of time. The only sure ways to get rid of an elemental are to either devour its spirit (but creatures able to perform such a feat are very rare), or to use a banishment spell once the spirit is separated from the body, to take the spirit away. Using opposing elemental magic is also a good way to damage them (water vs fire for example). There is no existing spellcaster strong enough to harm an elemental using its own element (aside from the coldfire used by some very rare beings, among them the succubus Arale).

Elementals have a curious way of aging. Past a certain point, the elemental becomes so accustomed to its body that destroying the body will either banish or destroy the spirit as well, effectively rendering the elemental as mortal as any other creature.


Many elementals shape their body like a human's, but others have a very animalistic appearance. How intelligent and conscious an elemental is varies enormously from one specimen to another. There are some spirits that are barely aware of themselves, and some with a mind closer to a god's than a human. When asked what it's like to be a body-less spirit and how she came to inhabit her body, a sentient elemental described the process as being "awakened". She was a wandering spirit, barely conscious of the world, and one day she became deeply aware of it, triggering the urge to possess a body. According to her, the humanoid form she assumed just came to her as the most natural thing in the world. While an elemental's form could be virtually limitless, there is definitely some recurring shapes that can almost be considered as species. The reason for it is unknown but some mages speculate that elementals are somehow memorizing certain forms and passing them on to other spirits through some mysterious means. Those species can vary widely in size though, as does the danger they represent. A Crimson snapdragon the size of a wolf would be classified as a Low level threat, while one the size of an ouraghin would obviously be much more dangerous.

Elementals are deeply individualistic creatures, and have never formed anything like a culture or a civilization. The case of King Trazix and his small community of Lava elementals in Mount Vylkren is an exception. They don't see themselves as a race at all, just individual and unique entities. It's interesting to note that many sentient elementals find themselves attracted to fairies and often mate with them.

Known Elementals

  • Teron

List of elements

  • credits to TheLightLost for the idea of some elementals being created out of emotions.